3 Ways to Write That Aren’t Journaling

The benefits of writing are well known. It has been shown in numerous studies*, that writing increases happiness, self-awareness, and resilience, among many other things. It is a powerful outlet. Typing is ok, but writing with a pen or pencil on paper is better. Writing helps to clarify many things that feel too big or gray to solve. It often allows you to see your next steps. Writing is a powerful tool for showing you your truth, your happiness, and your healing.

Writing is not necessarily journaling either, it can be lists, bullet points, short answers, etc. It all leads to truth.

Streamline -consciousness Writing

In this type of writing, you just write without thinking about what you’re writing. It can feel a little awkward and can be difficult to start, but just start by writing, “I don’t know what to write, I don’t know what to write”, until something else comes. In ‘The Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron, she recommends, as a part of a creativity awakening process, to write three pages before doing anything else every morning. If there is something that you feel unclear about, this is the tool. If you are experiencing self-doubt, this is a really good one.

Streamline consciousness will reveal the truth.

Lists & Prompts

Lists: 1 word answers
Write 3 things you liked to do as a kid
List 4 things you do that make you feel joy or peace, even a little
List 5 things that you are grateful for
List 3 things you miss
Short answer: just a few words to answer
I like to go…
When I was young, I was…
When I’m afraid, I…
Longer sentence stems: a few lines to complete
When I was young, I expected to be able to…
Now I believe…
What I carry is…

For more ideas about bullet journaling, check out my Pinterest Board (link below)


Letters are especially useful for unresolved feelings. You can write letters to people who you hold resentment toward or who are gone.

You can write letters from other people to you if they are not able to respond to you for whatever reason.

The best ones though are letters from yourself to yourself. Think of a question that you have and ask yourself in 10 years what you think of the problem, or how you might handle it, or what would you say to you now, here.


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