
Hello, I am Kristen Wilson and I founded What Is Within You to help people feel at ease in the world. I started on this path when I was 17 and I have gathered many modalities of healing that allow me to help you find the truth of What Is Within You.

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and have been working as a therapist since 2012. I see our struggles as an essential part of our story and I very much enjoy teaching people how to navigate difficulties and learn to like themselves and their lives. I wanted to create a place for people to have an introduction to tools that may be useful because people can do incredible things in their lives with their suffering if they aren’t afraid of it. It is here to teach, it teaches compassion, resilience, empathy, freedom, and wisdom.

I have learned that there is no one way to find a happy, fulfilled life because we are here for different things. What is within each person is different and it is designed that way. Teachers are those that enlighten. My teachers have included a life coach, two degrees in Psychology, Reiki, the ocean, mentors, Yoga, all of my family, Eckart Tolle, nature in every way, Pema Chodron, pastors, death, energy healing, animals, friends, iridology, acupuncture, psychodrama, and every relationship I’ve had, just to name a few. I am all of my experiences and I bring all of it to each person I get to help. I have been seeking to be a clear channel for healing since I was 17, I work at it with joy and gratitude every day. It’s a good life.

I have an office in Livonia, MI. Please feel free to reach out to me at kristen@whatiswithinyou.com