What Is Within You

What is Within You was born to help you start this moment, right where you are this moment and make your life better. Not only that, but showing you that only you have that power and that you can do it with what you have right now.

This site is a place where you can find some tools to get to know yourself and find out what your next steps are, no matter where you are. In learning to walk with people through their suffering, I have learned that there is not one way out, there is no one prescription for mental and emotional well-being.

I heard this quote sometime in High School, I remember I made a sign and put it on my wall, I knew it was true, I knew it was important. It is my purpose to help people feel at ease in the world. I know that the way to do that is to bring forth What is Within You. Eckart Tolle says that we either find a teacher or we learn through suffering. A teacher is one who enlightens. So, we either find something/someone that shows us the truth about ourselves, or we keep suffering until we learn it that way.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what is within you will destroy you.” Gospel Of St. Thomas Logion 70

Anything that you do can help you access What is Within You, there are indicators, like you feel joy or peace. Looking back to when you were a kid and did things just for joy can help. For example, I loved gymnastics when I was a kid, I only recently realized that in some ways, yoga is like grown-up gymnastics. There’s a part of What Is Within Me to take care of, and challenge, my body in those ways. Yoga has been a very important teacher and coping skill for me, and now I use what I have learned to help people. (More on that later, check out my Pinterest board on yoga for some ideas)

Joy and peace are like signposts that you’re in your flow, you’re bringing What Is Within You out into the world.